A Check Up From the Neck Up

With increasing self-esteem comes improvement in academic performance which, in turn, enhances self-esteem. Further, above-average levels of self-esteem are associated positively with better adjustment, more independence, less defensive and deviant behavior, and greater social effectiveness and acceptance of others. A healthy self-esteem motivates kids to be outgoing, and to act in their own best interest [...]

A Check Up From the Neck Up2016-05-30T17:50:41+00:00

Own Your Anger

"My Life is in the hands of any fool who 'makes' me lose my temper." - J Hunter Poorly handled anger can undermine self-esteem and lead to feeling powerless. This assembly helps students differentiate between angry feelings and angry behavior. Students realize that they are responsible for their own anger and how they choose to [...]

Own Your Anger2016-05-30T17:50:42+00:00

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