MaryAnn offers a wide array of workshops and seminars that can be customized for your school or district.
Whatever your specific staff development needs might be, I can offer your school or district a unique, customized learning experience that will fit your immediate, short-term or long-term needs. Please contact me for a quote, and together let’s make a difference in the lives of educators and students.
Workshops for Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Early Child Care Staff and Administrators
Developing Growth Mindsets in Students
Most educators are not aware that almost 75% of achievement is a [...]
Respectful Discipline in the Classroom
This seminar provides teachers with tools, insights and encouragement which will empower [...]
Achieve Success with “I DON’T CARE” Students
Everyone wants to know how to reach their students who are apathetic, [...]
Managing Strong Emotions in the Classroom
80% of classroom problems are caused by 10 % of students who [...]
Kids Pushing Your Buttons?
It is difficult to learn or teach when you are feeling angry. [...]
Classroom Management – Back to Basics
The goal of the seminar is to demonstrate how to set up [...]
Inspiring the Unmotivated
Are you tired of disrespectful, irresponsible behaviors from your students? Are you [...]
Dealing with Difficult Parents
Classroom teachers have discovered that not only do they need classroom management [...]
Workshops For Parents
Helping Students Deal With Angry Feelings
It is difficult to listen, learn or love when you are feeling [...]
Homework Without Tears Workshop
If you are exhausted from the long nightly battles with your child [...]
Constructive Criticism. Is There Such A Thing?
Many of us grew up being told that we did wrong, not [...]
Respectful Discipline For Parents
Misbehavior has a natural place in a child's life. It is the [...]
Developing Healthy Self-Esteem in Children
Most people can think of things they'd like to change about the [...]
Student Assemblies
A Check Up From the Neck Up
With increasing self-esteem comes improvement in academic performance which, in turn, enhances [...]
Own Your Anger
"My Life is in the hands of any fool who 'makes' me [...]
How to Handle Teasing
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will break my [...]