Classroom teachers have discovered that not only do they need classroom management skills, they also need parent management skills to survive in teaching. A majority of parents are supportive, helpful and realistic, but there are a few that can be unreasonably demanding and even threatening toward teachers.

No single strategy will work for all situations. Dealing with Difficult Parents will provide you with an array of strategies that are proven to be successful; it will help you work with the challenging parents in challenging situations. It will provide you skills to disarm parents’ emotionally charged behavior.

This seminar is designed to provide you with a wealth of strategies for working with difficult parents in challenging situations. The focus will be on improving your ability to get your message across to passive, defensive and angry parents. MaryAnn will give you tried and true techniques for dealing with confrontational, explosive parents in ways that diffuse conflict and move parents to more cooperative relationships. You will also receive dozens of practical tips for conducting effective parent conferences with challenging parents.

  • Establish and maintain positive communication with parents
  • Identify parent and teacher road blocks
  • Make phone calls that stop problems before they get worse
  • Plan and conduct effective parent conferences
  • Diffuse opposition through listening
  • Disarm criticism
  • Use accurate documentation
  • Diffuse confrontational situations